Did you know that in 1800 about 2% of the world's population lived in cities, in 1900 it was about 12%, in 2013 the figure was around 52% and in 2050 a massive 70% of the world’s population will live in global cities.
The capital city Imphal is the most urbanized region in Manipur. According to the census of 2011, the urban population of Greater Imphal has increased drastically to 0.42 million in comparison to 0.25 million as per the census of 2001. Imphal constitutes 42.13% of the total urban population in Manipur. The current metro area population of Imphal in 2020 is 576,000, a 3.23% increase from 2019, which was 558,000. Imphal city is divided between the two districts of Imphal West and Imphal East.
The Imphal city with diverse, multi cultural and religious backgrounds has only around 10% believing Christian. This is a city that needs the gospel to be preached, lived out and experienced for its own healing and renewal.
The city itself faces deep brokenness in being corrupted and frequent communal conflict. Even church organizations are based on communal lines. The whole tragedy with most of the tribal Christians is that their ethnic loyalty often transcends their commitment to Christianity. New City Imphal envisions to plant a gospel-centered church especially among the growing English speaking young singles and couple professionals and students who are unchurched and non-believers with diverse communities in Imphal city by being a church that loves and serves the city.